Jogu Ramanna, EX MLA Adilabad BRS Party, Telangana.

Jogu Ramanna
Jogu Ramanna

Ex Minister of Forest, Environment & BC Welfare Telangana(2014-2018),
Ex MLA, Adilabad, Adilabad.

Personal Life:
Father :Ashanna
Children :2 sons
Course Institution Year of completion
Intermediate - -
SSC - -
Political Career:
2012: Jogu Ramanna Left TDP and joined in TRS.

Elections Contested
S.No. Election Won/Lost Margin Opponent
1 2023 GE-Adilabad, MLA(BRS) LOST 6,692 Payal Shanker(BJP)
2 2018 GE-Adilabad, MLA(TRS) WON 26,606 Payal Shanker(BJP)
3 2014 GE-Adilabad, MLA(TRS) WON 14,711 Payal Shanker(BJP)
4 2009 GE-Adilabad, MLA(TDP) WON 25,580 Chilkuri Ramchandra Reddy(INC)
5 2006 ZPTC Election, Jainath(TDP) WON 116 Rokandla Ramesh(INC)
6 2001 ZPTC Election, Jainath(TDP) WON - -(INC)

Contact Information:
Mobile Number:9440416823
Present Address:H.No.2-26, Deepaiguda, Jainath, Adilabad.



Time to Talk with YOYO TV:
Exclusive interview with V6 News:
Nayakudu with HM TV: